- underarm $30
- brazilian $70
- brazilian + underarm $80
- half leg $99
- full leg $160
- stomach $49
- full face $59
- sides of face $35
- half leg, braz + underarm $170
- full leg, braz + underarm $220
- bikini $45
- g-string $60
- lip OR chin $20
- half arm $109
- full arm $120
- full body (female) $370
- full body (male) $450
- Back, chest + shoulders $140
- Back, chest + shoulders $140
* full body female: full legs, full arms, brazilian and underarms
* full body male: full legs, full arms, chest and back.
You will usually require treatments at 4-6 week intervals. Each part of the body has a different hair growing cycle, so the hair loss will vary depending on what phase your follicles are in at the time of treatment.
We use a Medical-grade laser - Candela GentleLASE Pro.